Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study
RT @edyson: When doctors' and patients' interests are aligned... good things happen. Good to see @MedEncentive recognized. H/T founder…
When doctors' and patients' interests are aligned... good things happen. Good to see @MedEncentive recognized. H/T founder @JeffGre29589079
ICYMI in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods #Study
RT @JeffGre29589079: @Healthwise issues press release announcing MedEncentive's breakthrough study.;…
RT @jmirpub: Health Literacy Incentive Program Using Healthwise Health Education Is Potential Breakthrough in ... v…
@YahooFinance publishes @Healthwise press release about study pronouncing @MedEncentive as a breakthrough in battle to improve health and lower costs. Study:
Health Literacy Incentive Program Using Healthwise Health Education Is Potential Breakthrough in ... via @YahooFinance about @JMIRpub paper #digitalhealth #healthliteracy
@Healthwise issues press release announcing MedEncentive's breakthrough study.;
RT @abhollingsworth: Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder…
RT @abhollingsworth: Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder…
RT @abhollingsworth: Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @abhollingsworth: Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder…
RT @abhollingsworth: Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder…
RT @MedEncentive: Breaking News: Novel Health Literacy Incentive Program (MedEncentive) is Potential Breakthrough in Battle to Lower Health…
RT @JimmyDempster: At long last, the effectiveness of the MedEncentive program is being confirmed by the research community. #Healthlitera…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @Thomas_Wilckens: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incent…
RT @SBMDigitalHlth: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
Health Literacy -- finally, a formal study that shows reduced ER visits, hospitalizations, and overall costs. Founder Jeff Greene works out of OKC, so we're very familiar with MedEncentive. Now it's time for the rest of the world to take a look.
Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digital program in 2015-2017, relative to 2013-2014. #digitalHealth #HealthTech
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study #digitalhealth #information #healthcare #education
Sounds great. Planning to attend. Our recently published peer-reviewed study confirms power of the patient/doctor relationship
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @JacobChristine: Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digita…
RT @Digi_Bridges: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention via @jmirpub #DigitalHealth #eHealth #HealthIT #MedTech #HealthTech
Hospitalizations and emergency room visits decreased 32% and 14%, respectively, after the implementation of the #digital program in 2015-2017, relative to 2013-2014. #DigitalHealth #eHealth #HealthIT #MedTech #HealthTech
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @edyson: Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestin…
Getting a healthcare system to do what works is as hard as getting someone to eat healthy: knowledge is not enough. Interestingly, this paper talks about aligning patient/doctor incentives ...and it DOES work. But the HC system has to use it!
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
@Pressrelease announces publication of #peerreviewed #study by @jmirpub that touts potential #breakthrough solution in battle to improve #health and #lowerhealthcarecosts #Triple/QuadrupleAim
#NationalHealthLiteracyMonth @MedEncentive
RT @NESKnowledge: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive…
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Metho... - PubMed - NCBI
At long last, the effectiveness of the MedEncentive program is being confirmed by the research community. #Healthliteracy
RT @MedEncentive: Breaking News: Novel Health Literacy Incentive Program (MedEncentive) is Potential Breakthrough in Battle to Lower Health…
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study
RT @AjHenreid: Incentive-Alignment begins with #HealthLiteracy (via @JMIRpub) #Health #Medicine #Healthcare #HealthTech #Research #Cost
RT @AjHenreid: Incentive-Alignment begins with #HealthLiteracy (via @JMIRpub) #Health #Medicine #Healthcare #HealthTech #Research #Cost ht…
Incentive-Alignment begins with #HealthLiteracy (via @JMIRpub) #Health #Medicine #Healthcare #HealthTech #Research #Cost
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study.
Breaking News: Novel Health Literacy Incentive Program (MedEncentive) is Potential Breakthrough in Battle to Lower Health Care Costs
Way to go! @DRDDFRENCH Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study #healthliteracy #empower #healthcare
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
BREAKING NEWS: Peer-reviewed journal publishes study on @MedEncentive program effectiveness
RT @SBMDigitalHlth: Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incenti…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
RT @jmirpub: New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligne…
New in JMIR: Reduced #Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a #Web-Based #Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods #Study
Reduced Hospitalizations, Emergency Room Visits, and Costs Associated with a Web-Based Health Literacy, Aligned-Incentive Intervention: Mixed Methods Study